Block Week

Climbing out of bed to a faint, early morning wake up call. Bare feet on cool wood floors to the coffeemaker. Distant mumbles as a husband rolls over and drifts back to sleep, alone in the middle of the bed. A few moment on the couch in quiet, breathing in the darkness, hands wrapped around the warm mug. A hard stare at the page taped on the wall above my desk:

“You wake up early and you work all day. That’s the only secret.”

And so I begin. Online clinical cases, handwritten notes, labeled microscope slides, drug flashcards, tables and table of bacteria, viruses, fungi. Five days of 5:30 AM to 10:00 PM. A belief that this will be enough, but only just enough. Focus, determination, discipline, and a lot of prayer. This, my friends, is Block Week.

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